The Digital Election Debacle
The Digital Election Debacle

Elections are going digital, with or without voter consent. As online ballots and polling apps are deployed, the bugs in digital democracy are piling up.

The Quest for Privacy in Cryptocurrency
The Quest for Privacy in Cryptocurrency

As malicious actors and data brokers stalk investors on exchanges, a growing number of users turn to privacy coins for ways to conceal their transaction patterns.

10 Questions About the Dark Web

The Dark Web is characterized as either an awful place filled with criminals or a battleground for privacy and anonymity. We put the debate in perspective.

5 Countries Attacking the Press
5 Countries Attacking the Press

When we shine a spotlight on our institutions, we are better able to stop them from shining a spotlight on every aspect of our lives.

The Problem With Privacy
The Problem With Privacy

Trapped in a global surveillance society, we’ve lost sight of what privacy actually means. To reclaim its value, we must reconsider what we want to protect.

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